Tuesday, March 28, 2006


About 22,000 climbers set out every year to conquer the Kilimanjaro peak. Several well-marked hiking routes lead to the summit of the mountain. To use the word "climber" is not always correct. Although none of these hikers routes really requires mountaineering skills, hiking to the "roof of Africa" is physically and mentally demanding and should not be under estimated. As much as 40% of those who set out to climb Kilimanjaro turn back before they reach Uhuru peak. Today, hikers make up the bulk of all those who conquer Kilimanjaro, and the mountain is in fact one of the highest peaks accessible to hikers in the world. Of course there are extremely severe climbs available, including some grade 3+ climbs, but those we leave to the professional alpine climbers and experienced mountaineers. The information on this website is primarily concerned with the hiking routes, which "the average hikers" can follow successfully. With the adequate preparation any reasonably fit person above the age of 12 years can reach the summit successfully, in fact the oldest person to date to reach the summit was a Frenchman Valtee Daniel at an age of 87!! Preparation both physically and mentally is the keywords for success-- this web site contains valuable and comprehensive information obtained from 9 years of experience and through the feedback from more than 4300 clients. We believe it will positively contribute to your chances of successfully conquering Kilimanjaro.


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